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composite bonding

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is carried out completely by the cosmetic dentist in surgery where they will artistically carve the aesthetic composite resin material over the tooth surface in order to achieve the desired shape and size. This is all done in one appointment and does not require the removal of any tooth structure.

Why Choose Composite Bonding?

Close Gaps In Your Teeth

Avoid wearing braces and use bonding to get rid of those gaps between your teeth.

Brighten Discoloured Teeth

You can use bonding to effectively change the colour of teeth to a brighter shade.

Fix Chips,Cracks & Unevenness

You can use bonding to effectively change the colour of teeth to a brighter shade.

At the Dentist

Get A Beautiful Smile Today

Request a consultation to find out how bonding could transform your smile.

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